M ipcom 2023: On the Road to International Succes

Last week, the annual Mipcom festival took place. Our Executive Producer Kasper van Beek and our Founders, Remy Steijger and Jop Goslinga, appeared at this global event as the faces of our company. But this was much more than just a representational occasion. Mipcom served as a gathering place where ties with other media companies were strengthened, and some of the most intriguing ideas and insights of the company were shared. This event was a unique opportunity to understand what the media market is up to and the role Captains can play in it.
Smart Networking
Mipcom stands for "Marché International des Programmes de Communication" and is one of the most prominent international events in the entertainment industry. It is an annual fair and conference held in Cannes, France. Mipcom primarily focuses on the sale and distribution of television programs, films, digital content, and other forms of entertainment.
At Mipcom, everything revolved around strengthening existing relationships and forging new connections, not only within the walls of 'Le Palais', where important presentations took place, and valuable meetings with major industry players occurred, but also on the streets and in the charming restaurants and cafes surrounding the festival. The event brings together professionals from around the world, including television studios, distributors, producers, broadcasters, streaming services, and other key players in the media and entertainment industry. Captains approached this event with a clear goal in mind: strengthening existing ties and establishing new collaborations, especially with distributors to bring our productions and ideas to the global market.
The Streaming War
Mipcom also provides a platform for discussing the latest trends and developments in the media industry, sharing ideas, and exploring business opportunities. Captains attended for the second year in a row. This year, we had new goals and different themes and productions to bring and share. Currently, sex taboos and sports heroes play a significant role in Captains' themes. In addition to our own topics, the issue of the streaming war was a topic of discussion, the competition among different streaming services and its implications for the industry.
Jop Goslinga commented on this: "Some experienced professionals seemed hesitant to embrace these new streaming trends. But many agreed that being open-minded and embracing new ideas are crucial in this rapidly evolving industry. A fundamental point in this discussion for me is a bigger involvement of advertisers in entertainment. I'm convinced that big advertisers are the key to producing more moving stories for streamers, and thus can make the financial investment pressure for streamers more manageable.”
International Growth
While Captains continues to excel in the Dutch media industry, the focus is increasingly on international expansion. With pride, Remy Steijger spoke about our topics at Mipcom and the crucial role of participating in such events to expand our company's presence in the sector. His conviction was clear: "Captains is ready to enter the international market and explore new opportunities."